Snape 100


July 24th, 2014

ellid @ 07:48 am: Title: The Hogwarts Reversed Shakespeare Extravaganza, IV
Challenge: The Fat Friar
Word Count: 100

The Friar had a laugh so merry that it the reason why the Hufflepuff Common Room was the jolliest place at Hogwarts.

Severus hated it.

Especially when it directed at him, as it was now.

“I asked a question!” he shouted, hands on hips. “Why are you laughing? Dionysus, you – you traitor! This is not funny! Why can't he - “

“My dear boy, it should be obvious!” he cried, throwing his hands up. “The last time I was able to pick up anything was a thousands years ago! How could I possibly hand Romeo the poison?”

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