Snape 100


July 14th, 2014

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: What Could Have Been, I
Challenge: The Grey Lady
Word Count: 100

“Hat. I would have words with you.”

The Hat wrinkled its brim as the slender figure materialized in front of it. “Helena. You seem distressed.”

“That is because I am.” Helena Ravenclaw gestured, and the image of a small, shabbily dressed boy appeared by the Headmaster's fireplace. “This child. He is the brightest and most logical of his year. Why did you put him in Slytherin?”

“He requested it,” growled the Hat. “Intelligent, yes, but ambitious as well. He'll do well - “

“He'll be ruined.” Helena drifted closer. “How could you?”

“How could I not?”

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