Snape 100


July 11th, 2014

ellid @ 08:00 am: Title: Nick's Deathday Orchestra, For Your Dining and Dancing Pleasure! V
Challenge: Nearly Headless Nick
Word Count: 100

It was impossible to leave after that, especially after Severus nearly choked on the cupid feather in his Veal Orloff. Poppy cast a sound-muffling charm that lessened the horror of “Lady Be Good” and “Sing Sing Sing” performed by an orchestra of tone-deaf ghosts. By the time the Charlotte Russe arrived, Severus was almost in a good mood.

“I do apologize - “

“No need. This was the most enjoyable evening out I've had in years.” Poppy was practically glowing. “Thank you.”

Severus glanced at the stage. Sir Nick tipped his head, smiling broadly. “I'd say thank him.”

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