Snape 100


June 12th, 2014

ellid @ 07:54 am: Title: A Few Small Repairs, IV
Challenge: Spellotape
Word Count: 100

Neither man spoke for a few minutes. Severus finished his tea, glanced at the teapot, and nodded when Albus signaled the pot to refresh his cup.

“I understand Spellotape also may be used to repair damaged wands,” said Albus. He steepled his fingers and looked thoughtful. “Mr. Weasley, for one, got several months' use out of his wand after it was broken.”

“I would disagree,” said Severus. “Spellotape only delayed the inevitable in that case.”

“I thought it was designed for wand repair!” exclaimed Albus.

“That's the one thing it isn't good for, I'm afraid.”

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