Snape 100


June 3rd, 2014

ellid @ 08:02 am: Title: From the Files of Cuthbert Binns, II
Challenge: Triwizard Tournament
Word Count: 100

Mr. Snape:

It is most refreshing to see a young person who wishes to know about the past. Your proposal will make an excellent research topic.

You may find the following books helpful. All are in the library:

A History of Magical Cooking Vessels (Vol IV of XXXVIII), Xenophilius Arbogast

Roman Magical Stone Carving for Fun and Profit, W.T.F. Freestone

Games of Sport and Death: A Festschrift in Honour of the Triwizard Tournament, ed. Aesopius Barnstable-Bumgardner

The Enchantment of Useful Things, S.G. Stark-Banner-Parker

The Most Dangerous Game, Jennifer van Dyne

I look forward to seeing your results.

C. Binns

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