Snape 100


May 22nd, 2014

ellid @ 07:56 am: Title: The Fourth Estate, IV
Challenge: Quick Quotes Quill
Word Count: 100

“Is there anything you'd like to say before we wrap things up, Professor?” Rita Skeeter gave Severus a smile that would have been charming if it had reached beyond her red, red lips.

“Harry Potter was as much as lucky as talented.”

”The Chosen One modestly concealed his brilliance behind the bland facade of an ordinary child.”

“He was fortunate in his choice of allies.”

”His friends, the doughty Ron Weasley and the gorgeous Hermione Granger, loyally stood by him in his quest to end the menace of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”

Severus smirked. This was going to be fun.

pekeleke @ 11:29 am: Costumer Support.

Title: Customer Support.

Rating : G

Author: pekeleke

Word Count: 100

Challenge: Written for snape100's Challenge 535: Snape and the Quick-Quotes Quill.

Warnings: None.

Disclaimer: Don't own these characters. No money is being made out of this work.

Summary: Severus Snape doesn't particularly excel at customer support. Luckily for him, he doesn't have to.

Customer Support.
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