Snape 100


May 16th, 2014

ellid @ 08:08 am: Title: Tatty Old Books, IV
Challenge: Tom Riddle's Diary
Word Count: 100

“Professor Snape?”

Severus did not look up from his grading. “Yes, Miss Weasley?”

“My notebook.” Her voice trembled. “May I have it back?”

Severus paused. He had last touched the notebook hours ago, and his fingertips still felt slightly unclean. Should he warn Minerva?


She was an intelligent girl, from a gifted family. He was imagining things.

“Do not bring it into this classroom again.”

His colleague would notice if there were any problems in her House.

“Thank you, sir.”

“You're welcome,” said Severus, and told himself not to be quite so paranoid.

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