Snape 100


March 18th, 2014

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Sports Night, II
Challenge: Omnioculars
Word Count: 100

At first he thought the Omnioculars were charmed to match their owner’s Hogwarts House or favorite color; there were a fair number of Slytherins in attendance at the match, after all, so why not? He changed his mind as he realized that the green was bright, light, and obnoxiously cheerful, not the sober, respectable green of his House.

Severus considered the matter, then shrugged. They were about to launch the Snitch, and –

“Severus?” Lucius Malfoy sounded, for once, less than sneering. “My God – what are you doing?”

“Watching the match. Why?”

“You – Severus – “

“Lucius. What?”

“Your hair’s gone green!”

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