Snape 100


February 6th, 2014

ellid @ 07:47 am: Title: Forget Me Not, IV
Challenge: Remembrall
Word Count: 100

The Remembrall flashed blue, first the color the Muggles called “cyan,” then indigo. Severus ignored it. His leg was still weak, his hands still shook, this was ridiculous –


His lips skinned back from his teeth as he recognized the wolf. “Lupin. I thought you would be with your offspring.”

“He’s with his grandmother,” said Lupin. His jaw tightened for a moment. “Your therapist is waiting.”

“Let her wait. It’s not working – “

“Only because you don’t want it to,” said Lupin, and before Severus could protest he’d been scooped up in Lupin’s arms and they were on their way.

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