Snape 100


January 29th, 2014

ellid @ 07:42 am: Title: Know Your Enemies, III
Challenge: Foe Glass
Word Count: 100

Most of the images in the Glass were expected: the Carrows, Bellatrix Lestrange, assorted Death Eaters, the Dark Lord himself. Less expected were the faces he did not see: any of the Malfoys, Remus Lupin, even Sirius Black (and wasn’t that a shock, given how much they hated each other and always had).

The strangest of all was the young Auror, Nymphadora. They barely knew each other, had spoken only a few times. She’d been an unmemorable student even though she’d made his NEWTS class, more swotting than brilliance, and he had no idea why she would wish him ill.

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