Snape 100


January 13th, 2014

ellid @ 07:44 am: Title: Heart’s Desire, I
Challenge: Mirror of Erised
Word Count: 100

Age 11

He glances into the room, sees himself and his parents, and is about to leave – this is his life, why would he be surprised to see his parents? – when he realizes two things:

First, his parents are in Halifax, not Hogwarts. Not only that, his Da is a Muggle, so how would he get to Hogwarts at all?

Second, they aren’t fighting. Da isn’t yelling, Mam isn’t cowering, and Severus isn’t hiding under a table sobbing. They’re smiling, they’re hugging, Da has his arm around Mam’s waist, Mam is ruffling Severus’ hair –

They’re happy.

Severus can’t look away.

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