Snape 100


January 7th, 2014

ellid @ 07:48 am: Title: Winter Kills, II
Challenge: Photo of tree
Word Count: 100

“It’s a shame, you know,” said Remus. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up into the snow-frosted branches. “It’s almost too beautiful to destroy.”

“Beautiful, but come spring enough of the wood will be dead that it won’t be so lovely.” Severus cast a no-freeze charm on his hands and instruments, mounted Molly’s old Cleansweep, and slowly flew up to the largest branch. “Do you truly want this breaking off in the wind and bashing your mum on the head?”

“Put that way, of course not.” Remus sighed. “It’s still a pity.”

Severus paused. “I don’t disagree.”

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