Snape 100


December 21st, 2011

ellid @ 07:32 am: Title: Blast from the Past, III
Challenge: Village People
Word Count: 100 apiece
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child drabble series, wherein Snape and Lupin have married and adopted a young werewolf. In this series Johnny is a teenager.

"Yes, you." Severus emerged from the front door, looking slightly smug. "I never attended a Village People concert, either here or in America."

Remus flushed scarlet. "It wasn't my idea. Sirius won the tickets in a contest - "

"A contest? During a war?" Severus was actually smirking now. "He had time to enter? And attend a concert?"

"Severus, I - "

"Were they any good?" interrupted Johnny, just before Remus said something that should not be said in front of one's child. "I listened to some of their stuff and it's pretty dumb."

"They - weren't bad," said Remus.

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