Snape 100


December 9th, 2011

ellid @ 08:12 am: Title: Ghosts in the Attic, V
Challenge: ghost hunter
Word Count: 100

"Her name is Hulda, and she wants us out," said Stephen. The curator had gone downstairs to make tea, and they were, thank God, alone.

"But - " Peter began.

Stephen snatched the ping pong ball out of his hand before he could bounce it off the wall again. "She didn't appreciate you faking those raps, you moron. If we want to film, we need to act like civilized adults."

Dora flushed. "Can you let her know we're sorry?"

Stephen looked past her at the ghost and raised his eyebrows. Hulda eventually nodded and dematerialized.

"She knows," he said.

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