Snape 100


December 7th, 2011

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: Ghosts in the Attic, II
Challenge: ghost hunter
Word Count: 100

Pete, his round face flushed, appeared at the top of the stairs. "There's definitely something up here. Knocking, lights, cold drafts - "

Stephen hung back as he rushed down the stairs and continued to babble. Mad-Eye was rubbing his bad leg and saying he could feel the ghost in the metal pins that held his thigh together, while Dora was trying not to trip over a rug. The curator looked worried but unconvinced despite the uproar.

"If I may?" Stephen said at last.

Four heads swiveled toward him. "You have an idea?" said Dora.

Stephen smiled thinly. "Of course."

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