Snape 100


December 2nd, 2011

ellid @ 08:00 am: Title: Career Advice, V
Challenge: career counselor
Word Count: 100

"I can't believe you approved Potter's career path." Draco swirled his wine in the glass and took a delicate sniff before sipping. "You do realize he'll run amok in the Aurors Corps."

"Not immediately." Snape tasted his own drink. "By the time he has any authority he'll have calmed down."

"I hope you're right. We need temperance, not impetuosity."

Snape made a show of checking his watch. Had Draco learned nothing from the disaster of Voldemort's second rise and fall? "I'm due back at my office. Please convey my regards to your mother."

"Of course," said Draco, slightly confused. "Later?"

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