Snape 100


October 21st, 2011

ellid @ 07:43 am: Title: Stuck, V
Challenge: random word generator (kitten, spaceship, cloak, scar, bottle, gallows)
Word Count: 100

"If I didn't know better, I'd say he was doing it deliberately," said Remus. He stared at the sleeping kitten, curled neatly beside Teddy's toy spaceship. "I'm sorry, Minerva."

"I'm afraid I've come to the same conclusion," she said, brushing cat fur off her cloak. "Unfortunately, he's so emotionally scarred it wouldn't surprise me. Being a cat is easier."

"Better than being a lycanthrope, I daresay." Remus contemplated the bottle of Glenlivet and wondered if strangling the annoying git in animagus form would send him to the gallows. "What now?"

"Hire a new potions teacher until Severus - "


To be continued…..

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