Snape 100


September 30th, 2011

ellid @ 07:47 am: Title: A Royal Problem, V
Challenge: black and white dreamscapes - image #4
Word Count: 100

The moon rose over Strelsau. Severus watched as the first beams struck Prince Frederick. The boy's infection was recent enough that prophylactic Wolfsbane should work, but he was so young.

The boy flinched as the pale light bathed the bite mark on his leg, muscles twitching as the curse tried to activate. The King took a step forward, freezing as Master Bruckner shook his head.

"Papa?" The Prince, still human, turned toward them. "Est verletzt nicht!"

The King grasped Severus' hands. "It worked. How can I thank you?"

Severus jerked his head toward the boy. "Go to him, Your Majesty."

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