Snape 100


September 23rd, 2011

ellid @ 07:56 am: Title: Theft of the Relics, V
Challenge: St. Mungo
Word Count: 100

"Thank you again, Professor Snape. We appreciate your assistance." The St. Mungo's chaplain, a dusty young woman, vigorously shook Severus' hand. "The Hand means a great deal to us."

"You're welcome." The chapel was far too modern to house a relic. "May it never be stolen again."

"Let us hope," said the priest. "I can't believe someone thought it was a Hand of Glory! The things people think!"

"That's why we're featuring the theft in the next issue of the Quibbler," came the dreamy voice from the pews.

Severus tensed. "Miss Lovegood - "

"May we use your picture, Professor?"

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