Snape 100


September 14th, 2011

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Donation of the Relics, III
Challenge: 400
Word Count: 100

Severus knew the story of St. Simon Magus - what wizard didn't? But the heap of filthy rags and the worm-scarred wand in the silver case could easily have been medieval forgeries. Was Albus that gullible?

"Very impressive," Severus said at last. "I must ask, however, why any of this concerns me."

"Ah, yes." Albus nodded to the curate, who returned the relics to their resting place. "The Gaunts left instructions that their donation be celebrated with 'appropriate solemnity and celebration' at hundred year intervals. As head of their old House you will of course be involved."

"Wonderful," said Severus.

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