Snape 100


August 1st, 2011

ellid @ 08:01 am: Title: Look Who's Thirty! I
Challenge: Harry's birthday
Word count: 100
Note: this is a Motherless Child story, wherein Snape and Lupin have adopted a young werewolf and gotten married. Johnny, their son, is about 7 in this one.

"Severus?" Remus poked his head into the stillroom. His hair, which he was growing in one of his periodic attempts to even out the layers, was pulled back in a charmingly messy ponytail.

"You have one minute." Severus laid down his pestle. "What?"

"Are we busy on Saturday?"

Severus blew out a breath. "I don't recall any commitments. Why?"

"Well." Remus held out a cream-colored note card. "It's Harry's 30th birthday."

Severus scowled. He hadn't liked Potter as a student, and that hadn't changed now that Potter had a family. "You go. I'll stay home with John."

"He's invited, too."

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