Snape 100


April 29th, 2011

ellid @ 06:50 am: Title: Inheritance, IX
Challenge: the Netherlands
Word Count: 100

"It's Albus' will," said Severus. He watched as Minerva walked slowly through the quarantined sheep. "I had no choice."

She muttered something that sounded like "daft old coot," which was comforting. "So it was this or move to New Zealand?"

"Unfortunately." The sky had the luminosity as an Old Master landscape. It was quite annoying. "The sheep were Albus' way of ensuring a supply of magical wool for British Wizardry. Now are they are my responsibility."

Minerva flinched as a lamb urinated inches from her robes. "I'll see if Molly Weasley knows of a woolen mill."

"Thank you," said Severus.

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