Snape 100


March 18th, 2011

ellid @ 07:58 am: Title: The Beginning, V
Challenge: Snape, the new boy
Word Count: 100

The room was spacious, with soft gray walls and beautifully carved beds hung with deep green curtains. Sev gaped - was this really their room? .

"Wow," murmured Charlie, moving slowly to the window. "Which bed do you want, Snape?"

"They're all fine," said Sev. He hesitantly ran a hand along a polished bedrail. Mum would be so happy he was in a nice room, not jammed in with the other scholarship students. "This one will do."

"You don't want the window?" said Evan. He joined Sev by the bed nearest the door.

"Too hard to sleep late," said Sev.

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