Snape 100


January 27th, 2011

ellid @ 06:24 am: Title: The Disadvantages of Guarding Potter, IV
Challenge: Wikipedia (Manuel Ferrara)
Word Count: 100

"You need to speak to him," said Severus.

Poppy closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer up to Asclepius for strength. "Now what, Severus? To be honest, I think you're taking your duties too - "

Severus thrust a battered magazine in her direction. "This slipped out of his rucksack. You tell me what it means!"

She opened the magazine and gasped at the pictures. "Potter is - is - "

"Not interested in girls, despite what Miss Vane may think," snapped Severus. "Why else would he own a magazine featuring male adult film stars?"

He had a point.

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