Snape 100


January 17th, 2011

ellid @ 07:23 am: Title: Encounter with the Vampire, I
Challenge: Snape and vampires
Word Count: 100

"Severus? Do you know my friend Sanguini?" Horace Slughorn, beaming, steered Severus toward an emaciated man who looked as if he would rather watch an apple turn brown than attend a schoolboy party. "He's here with - "

"Eldred Worple," said Severus, jaw tightening as they shook hands. "Pleased to meet you."

"Charmed, I'm sure," said Sanguini. His fang tips showed when he spoke. "You work here, I understand."

"Unfortunately," said Severus, making a face at the sight of Lovegood in yet another ridiculous get up. "Have you tried the buffet?"

"Someone already ate the blood sausage," the vampire replied.

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