Snape 100


October 4th, 2010

ellid @ 07:19 am: Title: Snape and the Staff Room, I
Challenge: staff room
Word Count: 100

"And here is the staff room, Mr. Snape." Minerva McGonall led her former student into the teachers' lounge. "Many of us grade papers here. We have a full stock of newspapers and magazines - "

"The Economist?" Snape murmured. "That's a Muggle publication."

"We must live among them, as annoying as they may be," replied Minerva. She led the way to a small counter in the corner. "Tea is available 24 hours a day, as well as snacks. Tea is at 4:30 pm, promptly, and consists of finger sandwiches and biscuits."

"This is - luxurious," said Snape.

"Indeed," said Minerva.

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