Snape 100


December 18th, 2009

ellid @ 07:42 am: Title: Since There's No Place To Go, V
Challenges: dance [info]snape100, "Oh the weather outside is frightful…." [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100
Note: this the end of the de-aged Snape plot that began months ago. He's now an adult with most of his memories, and has reunited with Remus Lupin. They just need to find a place to be alone….

The snowfall continued as the night went on, with the Zabini tea dance the first casualty. The papers, the wireless, the telly and the computer networks - even the experimental World Wide Wizarding Web that had become Hermione Granger's pet project - would call it the Storm of the Century. The Muggles used it as more proof of climate change, while the Wizengamot passed new legislation about private weather manipulation.

The guests in the last room to be rented at the old inn did not know, and did not care. They were too busy relearning the oldest dance of all.

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