Snape 100


December 11th, 2009

ellid @ 07:39 am: Title: Echoes of the Past, X
Challenges: song [info]snape100, "It is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas" [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100
Note: this is the part of the conclusion to the de-aged Snape plot. Two more weeks!

Carolers sang the old songs as they neared the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron. Remus chuckled as two children did their best with the lyrics to "Joy to the World."

"They likely don't appreciate being thought cute. I certainly didn't."

"I never thought you cute. Determined, precocious, disconcerting - "

"It was good to a child for a while, especially around this time. I'd forgotten the anticipation that comes with being young at Christmas." Severus paused before they entered the pub. "But now - "

"I'm glad you're back," said Remus, and kissed him even though they were in public.

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