Snape 100


November 2nd, 2009

ellid @ 07:06 am: Title: Chasing the Wolf, VI
Challenges: taste [info]snape100, werewolves of London [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100
Note: this continues the de-aged Snape plot begun a couple of weeks ago. He is now a teenager physically but still lacks most of his memories.

The house in Notting Hill smelt of many things: chocolate (Lupin), books (Andromeda?), baby food and baby powder (Lupin's offspring), a man who wasn't Lupin (Did Andromeda have a boyfriend? Did Lupin?). Severus huddled on a bench in the entry hall and pulled out a textbook. He was barely scraping by in Astronomy and -

The door opened. Lupin shut the door before the chilly air blew in.

"Andromeda? I picked up the Prophet. You would not believe what the Ministry - "
He froze at the sight of Severus. "What are you doing here?"

Severus stood. "Waiting for you."

mailroomy @ 12:07 pm: Follow your Nose to Wherever
Title: follow your nose to wherever
Challenge: #306: Five Senses: Smell
Word Count: 5 x 100
Rating: PG
Pairing: None.
Summary: points of departure

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