Snape 100


August 21st, 2009

ellid @ 07:47 am: Title: Great Amphitrite, V
Challenges: mythology [info]snape100, Potions for Dummies [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

The hawk-nosed man struggled as the water rose about him. The shabby man and the guide stood back and watched as the realization sank in that he, too, was worthy of Great Amphitrite.

The guide waited for them to dress. "This way, gentlemen. You will need to eat and drink."

"Yes." The shabby one stopped as a small book fell from his companion's pocket. "Potions for Dummies? Why did you bring this?"

"Never mind," said the hawk nosed man. He took a cautious step forward. "Never mind."

Behind them, Great Amphitrite smiled her archaic smile and awaited the next pilgrim.

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