Snape 100


July 9th, 2009

ellid @ 07:43 am: Title: Milwaukee IV
Challenges: Saturn (Cronus) [info]snape100, monsters of the sea [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100
Note: this series is a mini-sequel to Motherless Child, wherein Snape and Lupin adopt a baby werewolf. Johnny is about seven or eight during this visit to Remus's mother in America.

Article on the back page of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Anonymous sources at the Milwaukee County Zoo denied reports that a "wolf boy" climbed into the Wolf Woods exhibit and began "talking" to the animals.

"A little boy got away from his parents. They got him back. End of story," said a zoo employee who spoke on condition of anonymity. "What's next, sea monsters in the Peppermint Shrimp exhibit?"

Blogger "Cronus" insists that his sources are accurate. "The kid talked to the wolves, and then his father showed up and growled at them…."

bohemianspirit @ 12:01 pm: So Spaced Out
Title: So Spaced Out
Author: [info]bohemianspirit
Genre: Het, Humor
Characters: Severus/Charity
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100 x 4
Challenge: [info]snape100 Challenge #289: The Solar System: Saturn
Notes: Sequel to The Naked Eye. Continuing the summer holiday begun in "High Flying Lover."

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