Snape 100


June 17th, 2009

ellid @ 07:33 am: Title: Post-Casting
Challenges: Venus [info]snape100, facial hair [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100
Note: this is in the spirit of the [info]lupin_snape Retro Fest and ignores canon after HBP. It's definitely post-war.

"Now. We want this production to break ground in the Wizarding World." The director wore dark glasses, jeans, and a black turtleneck that showed every speck of dandruff. "Snape, you'll wear this t-shirt. Lupin needs to grow out his beard since he'll be in a loincloth and moccasins. "

Severus unfolded his costume as the director droned on. "Excuse me. Jack Worthing would not wear any garment showing the Venus of Willendorf."

"Algy wouldn't wear a loincloth," said Remus. "He's a Victorian gentleman."

"We're updating it," said the director. "Minerva, you'll wear these leather boots and denim miniskirt - "

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