Snape 100


December 29th, 2008

severed_lies @ 07:25 pm: Auld Lang Syne
Title: Auld Lang Syne
Author: Severed Lies
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape
Challenge # 262: New Year's Eve Traditions

Severus stared into the small cupboard, mesmerized by the silvery glow emanating from the crystal vials. Only 6 remained, and he took several minutes to choose one. One sparkled more than the others, and it seemed to him that it wanted to be chosen. Shaking his head at the inane fancy, he grasped the vial carefully, then shut the door.

He smiled as the memory twined through his mind, smelling the sweet grass and feeling the light breeze flow through his hair.

At midnight, startled by the fireworks, he returned to the present after being so thoroughly entranced for hours.

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