Snape 100


January 29th, 2008

nimrod_9 @ 02:54 pm:
Title: British Sauce
Pairing: None
Word Count: 100
Rating: NC-17
Challenge # 214 Snape’s hands
Warning: Unbeta’d
A/N: Thanks for </a></strong></a>[info]blpaintchart for her help with British foods (I wanted to use butter and cinnamon sugar…imagine!).

red_day_dawning @ 05:42 pm: Hands of a murderer - G

Title: Hands of a murderer
Author: red_day_dawning
Challenge #214: Snape's hands
Rating: G
Warning/s: none
Disclaimer: JKR owns all


"Ignorant men don't know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away."
 - Sophocles

Hands of a murderer, hands of a spy – ordinary, innocent-looking hands: graceful, long-fingered, with slightly prominent knuckles, heavily-stained from years making potions.   Hands that could take life, or brew the means to restore it.

The hands that held the wand that killed Dumbledore.  The hands that shaped the circumstances of Voldemort’s defeat.  Hands of treachery, hands of death. 

The hands that teased, caressed, stimulated, excited.  Hands that conveyed much with a soft and loving touch.  Snape’s hands - the hands that Lupin loved, and trusted above all others.

enigmalea @ 08:13 pm: Hand Worship
Title: Hand Worship
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Word Count: 300 (3 x 100)
Rating: NC-17
Challenge: #214 Snape's Hands

Hand Worship )

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