Snape 100


January 17th, 2008

alwaysasnapefan @ 08:22 am: Title: Alone Time
Author: alwaysasnapefan
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Pairing: Snape/Dumbledore
Challenge: #212, Headmaster redux
Disclaimer: I'm not Jo.

Alone Time

                During time he got to himself, time where even the portraits, even Albus's annoying one, would not bother him, he never read or anything, merely sat and soaked up the quiet, the solitude. At times, he'd breathe in the scent of the office's former inhabitant, face pressed to the chair awkwardly. It was times like Christmas especially that had him thinking nice thoughts of the old man and he thought, well, maybe it's true that when someone close dies the best in them is all that can be remembered. It seemed to be the case with Albus. He inhaled again.

torino10154 @ 08:48 pm: Home
Title: Home
Author: [info]torino10154
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine. Complaints should be directed to JKR.
A/N: Yeah, so I failed with the bonus points-that's your warning for gloominess.
Challenge #212: Headmaster Snape, Redux


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