Snape 100


January 9th, 2008

red_day_dawning @ 11:12 am: Fic: Gen - Challenge #211 - Birthday Gifts

Title: Not Another Tea Party
Author: red_day_dawning
Characters: Severus Snape; Remus Lupin
#211 – birthday gift
Word count:
Warning/s: none
JKR owns all – I make no money, & mean no harm

Happy birthday to me, he thought sourly.  Buttoning his coat, and winding his scarf firmly around his neck, he turned to walk back beside the stream where the snow lay less thickly.

At least this year I won’t have to endure another tea party with Albus, he thought, the sharp frosty air bringing tears to his eyes.  Blinking fiercely, he mumbled, “Bloody cold”.

He trudged up the hill towards his house; another year, another birthday.

Pushing open the front-door, he thought, that bloody werewolf is probably baking for a tea party.  And couldn’t stop the smile that curved his lips.

shyfoxling @ 11:22 am: Endurance
Title: Endurance
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Severus/Sirius
Prompt: #211 Birthday gifts
Word count: 100

"Mmm. More. Harder."

Sirius grunted with the effort. "Severus, I--"

"Shut up. More, I said. --Oh, oh yes. Like that."

Not that Sirius didn't enjoy hearing Severus reduced to such babble, but he was exhausted, damn it. "Severus, my hands are cramping."

"You should have thought of that before you offered this as a birthday gift."

"Maybe you're young enough to do this six times a day, but I--"

"We're the same age, mutt. And six times a day? Who has the time? --More to the left. Ohhh, yesssss..."

Now Sirius knew why he'd never seen Severus's hair properly clean.

torino10154 @ 06:19 pm: Remembrance
Title: Remembrance
Author: [info]torino10154
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Warning: Canon, Bit o' Angst
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to JKR.
A/N: Written for Snape's birthday and for Challenge 211: Birthday Gifts.


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