Snape 100


November 15th, 2007

ensnarryed @ 12:55 pm: My submission to Snape100's Crossover prompt. I just realized that it fits in here.

Harry Potter/Titanic crossover. Am I too late? ;)

TITLE: How To Use Plagiarism For A Good Cause
AUTHOR: Ensnarryed
PAIRING: Rowling/Nettleship (Real-life SNARRY, LOL)
SUMMARY: How To Use Plagiarism For A Good Cause! ~_^
PROMPT: Snarry100’s “Albus Dumbledore” prompt. But that’s just my beard. I needed a reason to post this. ;P Also fits the “Crossover” prompt for Snape100.
GENRE: DH Spoilers. Angst. Kind of fluffy (as everything I write tends to be).
DISCLAIMER: I am not JKR. Nor would I want to be for all the money in her bank account. All I wants is t3h pr0n. Snarry pr0n. (Titanic, et al. isn’t mine either.)
COUNT: 100 words.


ensnarryed @ 12:59 pm: TITLE: YKYLHPSSTMW
PAIRING: None (No, really. None. Alright. Snarry. But no more than HPSS together in the title. ^_^)
PROMPT: Snape100’s “Snape’s To Do List” prompt. Except it somehow morphed into being A LIST of Snape things instead. Would you accept it?
GENRE: Post-DH. ANGST. Humor.
DISCLAIMER: I am not JKR. HYALL NO! *looks at DH in horror* It burnsssss us, Precioussssssssssss.
COUNT: 100 words.


Current Mood: high
torino10154 @ 03:27 pm: This Week
Title: This Week
Author: [info]torino10154
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Reference to wanking, slight DH spoiler
Challenge 203: Snape's List
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to HRH JKR.

This Week

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