Snape 100


November 7th, 2007

bluestocking79 @ 03:57 pm: Kindred Spirits
Challenge #202: Crossover Snape
Title: Kindred Spirits
Author: bluestocking79
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Severus Snape, Gregory House
Notes: Jumping on the House crossover bandwagon, because these two are sarcastic soulmates.

Kindred Spirits )

septentrion1970 @ 10:05 pm: The Padawan
Title: The Padawan
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Crossover (Star Wars)
Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, with use of Star Wars themes
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]dacian_goddess for betaing .



Harry turned around and saw a pale, faded form drifting in front of him. He rubbed his eyes with incredulity. “But… you’re a ghost?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

“What are you, then?”

“I’m, ah, a mentor.”

“A mentor?” Harry asked rather stupidly.

“Don’t think I chose this chore! The Jedi Council deemed you pure enough of heart and thought you needed to learn the way of the Force. The task of teaching you was assigned to me. Now that you know, we’ll start your training ASAP. The sooner you’ve become a Jedi, the sooner I can go back to death.”

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