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Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted, by K_Haldane



Title: Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted
Author: [info]k_haldane
Summary: A senior British security agent is sent to look into Torchwood; Jack catches him where he shouldn't be and takes matters into his own hands.
Characters/Pairing: Jack Harkness/Jools Siviter
Rating: NC-17
Warning: BDSM


I'm firmly convinced that Jack has a much darker and more ruthless side than he's letting on on the show. No-one can live as long as he had and see what he's seen and not have. Plus, Time Agents seem to be psychopaths of some sort. So I love it when writers show this side.

K_Haldane writes him excellently, here. I know nothing about the crossover fandom, and yet I was completely sucked in by the characterisation and the use of sex as a plot device.

Excerpt )


Marking Time, by The Atropos



Title: Marking Time
Author: The Atropos [info]atropos-too
Summary: In which Ianto is introduced to some of many things to be done with a stopwatch.
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Rating: PG-13


This is first a wonderfully detailed exploration of what it means to be a Time Agent. Jack shows to Ianto how to use his "Temporal Hyper-acuity". Even though the story is set at some point between Cyberwoman and Countrycide, and features a Ianto that still hates Jack and resents him, Ianto is able to ignore his feelings to be fascinated by the new world Jack is helping him discover.

I like detailed descriptions of original concepts (magic in HP, and science in DW/TW) and this story certainly delivers.

Excerpt )


The Discovery, by Kaneko



Title: The Discovery
Author: [info]kaneko
Summary: Jack and Ianto go on a trip on a Welsh mountain.
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Rating: PG


A short, funny story, with amusing interaction between Jack and Ianto. Jack's glee and awe are completely infectious.

Excerpt )


The Only Sound, by Crystalshard



Title: The Only Sound
Author: [info]crystalshard
Summary: Jack comes back to Torchwood, but the year that never was has affected him more deeply than he’s let anyone see yet.
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Rating: PG-13


One year in captivity at the end of a homicidal maniac has consequences, even to immortals. The fall-out is treated in a very understated way, mostly from Ianto's point of view, perceptive and understanding as he is. A little gem.

Excerpt )


Stuck in Traffic at the Magic Roundabout, by xwingace


[Torchwood/Doctor Who]

Title: Stuck in Traffic at the Magic Roundabout
Author: [info]xwingace
Summary: The importance of not running into oneself had been drummed into Jack Harkness from the first day in the academy.
Character: Jack Harkness
Rating: PG-13


This is what time-travel is all about: paradoxes, people running into themselves, and major fuck-ups. Fascinating and convoluted, and the end will blow you away!

Excerpt )


The Night Starts Here, by Asrai



Title: The Night Starts Here
Author: Asrai [info]asrai99
Summary: In which Ianto Jones goes to Scotland, finds some closure and Jack comes back. Eventually.
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Rating: PG-13


A Ianto-centric piece, showing Ianto's growth after End of Day, with an excellent grasp of his character. The OCs are all well-rounded and thoroughly enjoyable. Lovely!

Excerpt )


Adam, by Invisible Lift



Title: Adam
Author: [info]invisible-lift
Summary: Ianto has disappeared, but there's someone, or something, left in his place.
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Rating: PG-13


Totally, completely, heart-wrenching. And if the first five parts don't break your heart, the last one will. The ending is happy, mind.

Excerpt )


Left Unsaid, by Dune


[Torchwood/Doctor Who]

Title: Left Unsaid
Author: Dune [info]seti_drd
Summary: The stories Martha Jones never told the Torchwood team
Characters: Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, the Torchwood Team
Rating: PG


Powerful stuff. Both Jack and Martha are still suffering from PTSD after the events of Last of the Timelords, and it shows in their interactions. The external POV is very interesting, too.

Excerpt )


Rec lists: Doctor Who/Torchwood

Doctor Who/Torchwood rec lists )


Six Uses For a Stopwatch That Have Nothing To Do With Sex (And One That Does), by Shaggy



Title: Six Uses For a Stopwatch That Have Nothing To Do With Sex (And One That Does)
Author: Shaggy [info]shaggydogstail
Summary: There's a lot you can do with a stopwatch.
Characters/Pairing: Mostly gen, with a bit of Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG


Shaggy writes humour very well, and this one's no exception. Some of the ficlets are hysterical, and the Jack/Ianto part is endearingly cute.

Excerpt )


Excerpt from the Top Secret and Highly Classified Personal Shagging Records of Ianto Jones by Shaggy



Title: Excerpt from the Top Secret and Highly Classified Personal Shagging Records of Ianto Jones
Author: Shaggy [info]shaggydogstail
Summary: Ianto keeps meticulous notes of his sexual encounters.
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17


It's absolutely hilarious, featuring a highly anal-retentive Ianto and a slightly clueless but still hot Jack.

Excerpt )


Reach Out and Touch, by Shaggy



Title: Reach Out and Touch
Author: Shaggy [info]shaggydogstail
Summary: Perhaps if Jack hadn’t been so fixated on Ianto’s body, the recovery of his skin and the time it took him to stop favouring his left foot, he might have noticed the change in Ianto’s behaviour more quickly.
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17


A perfect take on both Jack and Ianto. Neither would let the Lisa matter go as easily as the show might want us to believe, and here's one possibility of what might have happened. Shower sex is hot, too.

Excerpt )

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