3rd March 2008

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit, by Derry


Title: Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Author: Derry [info]derryderrydown
Summary: "You let Ianto fall into the Rift," Jack said, with a level of strained calm that had Owen edging towards the door. "Alright." He took a deep breath. "But you should know that nobody sleeps until we find him. And I'm probably going to fire you all."
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Rating: R


It's no secret that I love Moebius strip plots, and this is a very good example of it. Set in one of my favourite periods of history, to boot.

The contrast between pre-World-Wars!Jack and Torchwood!Jack is what makes the story. Pre-World-Wars!Jack is carefree and careless, charming and annoying. Torchwood!Jack has learnt the meaning of responsibility, and their confrontation is a thing of beauty.

A lovely story, with just the right amount of angst and humour.

Excerpt )
