23rd August 2007

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

Harry Potter and the Really Round-About Way of Finding a Horcrux, by floweringjudas

[Harry Potter]

Title: Harry Potter and the Really Round-About Way of Finding a Horcrux
Author: [info]floweringjudas
Summary: One should know better than to involve oneself in Weasley Family Skirmishes, even as a messenger. It always ends badly. ...Or really well, depending on your perspective.
Pairing: Harry Potter/Percy Weasley
Rating: PG-13/R


The story is full of humour and the tiniest bit of angst. Percy and Harry are wonderfully in character, bumbling around each other before finally coming together.

The cameo apparences of Moody and Phineas are also hilarious.

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

The Tao of Job, by Mad Maudlin

[Harry Potter]

Title: The Tao of Job
Author: Mad Maudlin [info]wideworldsend
Summary: The Aurors are unmanagable, some moreso than others.
Pairing: Harry Potter/Percy Weasley
Rating: R


Poor Percy just can't resist bulldozer!Harry, even when he turns Percy's life upside down, though that might be the best thing that ever happened to him.

Harry has more than a few insecurities of his own, too, and their journey together is wonderfully written.

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

The Old Meddler, by Josan

[Harry Potter]

Title: The Old Meddler

Author: Josan [info]josan
Summary: Sometimes people do know better.
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Percy Weasley
Rating: NC-17, but I would personally rate it a hard R
Warning: implied rape


Josan has no equal when it comes to create an atmosphere, to tell a story about characters you never gave a second thought to before. Her Percy is recognisably the Percy from canon, but grown up and matured by the war and his experiences. Snape is bitter, but capable of compassion, and more.

A lovely, heart-warming tale :)

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

Five Ways Ekaterin Never Met Miles at Twenty, by Sahiya


Title: Five Ways Ekaterin Never Met Miles at Twenty
Author: Sahiya [info]sahiya
Summary: Regret . . . And what if she and Miles had met at twenty, instead of she and Tien? It had been possible; she’d been a student at the Vorbarra District University, he’d been a newly minted officer in and out of the capital. If their paths had crossed, might she have won a less bitter life? — p. 534, A Civil Campaign
Pairing: Miles Vorkosigan/Ekaterin Vorsoisson
Rating: G


A slightly bittersweet look at what could have happened. We get the full range of Ekaterin’s characterisation: from an Ekaterin who’s entirely taken with physical attributes to an Ekaterin who can look past the physical to Miles’ brains and sense of humour.

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

The librarian of Strahov, by Šárka

[Harry Potter]

Title: The librarian of Strahov
Author: Šárka [info]sarka
Summary: Percy has been living in Prague for years when Snape unexpectedly turns up.
Pairing: Severus Snape/Percy Weasley
Rating: NC-17


A lovely post-war story set in, of all places, Prague. The city is as much a character in the story as Percy and Snape, brought to life by the excellent writing.

Excerpt )
