11th August 2007

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

The Seduction of the Desert Prince, by Killashandra, Rachael Sabotini, and elynross


Title: The Seduction of the Desert Prince
Author: [info]elynross, Killashandra [info]killabeez and Rachael Sabotini[info]wickedwords
Summary: The tale of a beautiful young Immortal, captured and enslaved, the Immortal desert chieftain who seeks to own him body and soul, and the struggle of wills that ensues.
Characters/Pairing: Duncan MacLeod/Methos
Rating: NC-17
Warning: AU, dub-con, BDSM, violence


Because it's bloody hot. That's the main reason. I don't think I've read a fic where a sub's reluctance to submit and the way he eventually relinquish all his control -- and loves it! -- is so well written.

Caveat lector

It's a WIP, and updated very infrequently.

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

The Familiar, by Resonant

[Harry Potter]

Title: The Familiar
Author: Resonant [info]resonant8
Summary: A potion goes awry.
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17


One of the Snarry classics. The pace is lovely and slow, and there's never a moment when you say, "Wait, Harry/Snape would never act like this!" A wonderful read, and re-read.

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

Rite of Passage, by Rushlight

[Harry Potter]

Title: Rite of Passage
Author: Rushlight [info]rushlight
Summary: When Harry comes of age in the wizarding world, he has to find someone to aid him in the passage to adulthood.
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Under 18


It's a PWP with just the right amount of plot to make it delightful and memorable. Young wizards and witches are expected to lose their virginity once they turn sixteen, and their first time is a matter of celebration. Except in Harry's case, where it's a matter of public speculation, to the point where everyone and his dog proposition him. As a last resort, Harry turns to the least likely person to be blinded by his fame: Snape.

It was written during the long summer between GoF and OotP, and the characterisations might seem a little off, but ultimately, it doesn't matter. I could say that I'm reccing this story because of its glimpses into Wizarding traditions, or into Harry's psyche, but the truth is that I'm reccing it because it's hot, and it features one of my favourite tropes: an older man patiently teaching a younger one the ropes of lovemaking.

It's a fabulous story, one I've read and reread often.

Excerpt )
