11th June 2007

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

The Handmaid's Veil, by Alexandra Lynch

[Arthurian legend]

Title: The Handmaid's Veil
Author: Alexandra Lynch [info]alexandralynch
Summary: Love makes people do terrible things to each other.
Characters/Pairing: Tristram, Isolde, Mark, Brangwyna (Isolde's maid)
Rating: R
Warning: dubious consent


The writing's sparce, but it only makes the story stronger. Love here is only the source of heartache, by running contrary to acceptable norm, to political expectations. A little gem of a story.

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

Death in the Tuileries, by Dafna Greer

[Dorothy L. Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey]

Title: Death in the Tuileries
Author: Dafna Greer [info]dafnagreer
Summary: Paris. 1915. Wimsey and Bunter's first case.
Characters/Pairing: Lord Peter Wimsey, Bunter.
Rating: G


Because it was written for me, for one thing. And because it's a perfect illustration of Wimsey and Bunter's first meeting. We get a glimpse of their future collaboration, and of Wimsey's desire to do the right thing, regardless of the actual law.

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

words were dead leaves, by k8

[Lynn Flewelling - Nightrunners]

Title: words were dead leaves
Author: k8 [info]paintedmaypole
Summary: Alec and Seregil's travels. Set directly after Stalking Darkness.
Characters/Pairing: Alec/Seregil
Rating: PG-13


Above everything else, Alec and Seregil are friends, and their friendship is showcased beautifully, there. They both have wounds to heal, and they take their time doing it. Gorgeous writing.

Excerpt )
