The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions

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[10 Jul 2020|09:37am]
Alright loves, I'm new to the game but I'm really excited! I'm bringing in Yvonne Picket as a dancer and sexuality luminary at the Rattlesnake. Essentially, she helps people of all identities to discover their sexualities, pleasures, and explore the things that may be holding them back. Part sex therapist, part life coach, and completely empathetic - she feels like she's found her calling in these lines of work.

She only recently started dancing at the Rattlesnake, but was ecstatic when they started allowing women to apply as she's had some less than great experiences at other clubs. She's pansexual, a total nerd, and loves to have a good time with people she cares about. There is no 'typical' Yvonne, really. She's just as comfortable in next to nothing as she is in a 5XL hoodie and track pants, and she's the 'trying something new' go-to-girl.

Before she started dancing she went to school and got a psychology degree, and was big on instagram as a social media influencer. Now in her free time she plays Dungeons and Dragons with [info]kentbarnes, blogs, plays (but rarely finishes) video games, and collects too many things. She's honest, forgetful, shameless, and always has a book in her bag.

So far, Yvonne could use...everything. [info]_frankie_ is her neighbor and balcony buddy, but she's definitely on the hunt for friends, people to do routines with on stage (this comes to mind), clients for her business, and anything else you can think of.

And if anyone wants to bring in a Robin Lord Taylor for something specific I will cry, make you icons, and send you cupcakes.

EDIT: Yvonne is currently working on expanding her routines to include aerial chair and aerial pole performances.
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[10 Jul 2020|09:55pm]
hello guys :) i used to be in this comm ages ago (as [info]cevallos if anyone was around then) and happened to peek back in to realize it was still going! i loved it here and have some free time so i wanted to poke my head in to maybe jump in again! i'm still not quite decided on a pb yet but i do think i'd like to bring in a snake that works strictly as a domme professionally or perhaps as a client with a partner that likes to come in and share all the cute boys and girl. as i haven't completely settled on one or the other, i was going to see if anyone had any specifics they'd like to see, or any pbs anyone would particularly like to see around!
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