The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions

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[01 May 2020|06:22am]
heya folks! i'm kinda new to this premise so go easy on me... i'm keen to explore two possibilities with different faces for each. need some help / lines to make my decision simpler. kiiiind of leaning towards option B unless that type's already overplayed

vague ideas: A) a widely recognizable client (think elon musk sorta famous) who's too easily bored and basically a more sullen iron man minus his suit, and pmuch the last person you'd expect to find at the Ranch (face of matthew goode, or edward holcroft if i age him down). B) a snake that's gonna be a grade A trouble-maker who fights his clients more than beds them and is perpetually some degree of drunk/lowkey high (face of aaron taylor-johnson or jacob bixenman). if anyone needs a plot line filled, i'd also be happy to work out something fun! the grittier, the better
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[ viewing | May 1st, 2020 ]
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