The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Rattlesnake Ranch Lines Discussions

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I was upset no one wanted lines at first and then realized I posted this in my own journal..... [16 Mar 2020|05:26pm]
Howdy! I've got this guy here with the face of Luke Evans as a client and I've got some facts about him here He's coming in without any lines so he can use any and everything.

I'll sweeten the pot by offering free money for anyone who wants a line.
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[16 Mar 2020|07:31pm]
Aloha friends, I have here Jackson Carter. He's from the UK, an adjunct professor of business at UNLV, and waiter at the ranch because adjuncting doesn't pay what it should. I'd be happy to fill any lines or discuss any potential with anyone interested!
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[ viewing | March 16th, 2020 ]
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