
March 17th, 2010

Slythindor - Drabbles


March 17th, 2010

An apology...

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I'm here. I know you all thought I'd abandoned my little community, but never fear...I'm still here. There have been some things going on in my personal life that took priority and took me away from here for a bit. But I'm back and more excited than ever. I'll be posting a new challenge on Saturday, but in the interum I'm posting challenge #122.5 (lol)

St. Patrick's Day.

This is a short little filler challenge just until about noon on Saturday. Use the prompt however you want or you can use either of these silly pictures I found. *I was looking for some sexy men in green...but found these instead*

Have fun and I'll see you Saturday with the next real challenge. ♥
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