
May 31st, 2009

Slythindor - Drabbles


May 31st, 2009

Fic: Challenge #106

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Title: Hope
Rating: G
Word Count: 317
Warnings: None really, just melancholy Draco
Challenge: Written for Challenge #106 using this quote: I can't make you love me, want me, or understand me. All I can do is hope that someday you will.
A/N: This one was born out of watching The Shawshank Redemption and Red's speech at the end – which gets me every single time. Thanks to [info]eeyore9990 for the beta and to [info]lilyseyes for the encouragement. This is dedicated to the darling [info]cleo_jay for being a constant source of support and one of the kindest people I've met here on LJ. Thanks darling for the gift of you.

Hope )

Challenge #107

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I come bearing the next challenge. As we all know, Draco Malfoy's birthday is June 5th. This year he will celebrate his 29th birthday.

The challenge:

Write a fic depicting Draco's reaction to being 29. Is he excited? Is he worried about the big 3-0 looming ever closer? Does it not matter as long as Harry plans a huge party and a night of adoration?

This does not need to be from Draco's point of view. It can be how Harry perceives Draco or what long as Draco's feelings about turning 29 are taken into account. It does, of course, need to have the boys as a couple or working on it.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or leave a comment.

And as for a challenge is always accepted.

Oh and did I mention there could be surprises involved???

This challenge is for one week only and ends on June 6th
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