
June 29th, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


June 29th, 2007

Double Entendre Fun Friday Edition: Everything in Black and White

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Original poster: megyal

Everything in Black and White [H/D, NC-17]
Author: [info]megyal
Word Count: 2,201
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters do not belong to me. No profit is being made from this.
A/N: Written for [info]slythindor100's Double Entendre Fun, Friday Edition. Tagged by [info]lire_casander with the phrase: "Look at those old photographs". I had planned something very fluffy, but nothing like that come out. At all. Many thanks to [info]lomonaaeren and [info]lesinnocents who did a thorough and quick read-through.

read more )

For next Friday, I tag [info]faith1922 with the prompt "Excuse me, but that's not going to work without a raincoat". Thanks to the real life Draco for this.

Challenge #57

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Original poster: lire_casander

Title: On The Inside ~ Murderer Series (7/?)
Author: Lire ([info]lire_casander)
Word count: 100x12
Challenge: # 57 Picture challenge: Feet | Rail tracks | Candle
Characters/pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Warnings: Angst.
Notes: Unbeta'ed. Any mistakes left are my own.


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Original poster: kcstories

Written for the current challenge, using this picture.

Title: Interlude
Author: [info]kcstories
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Word Count: 637
Warnings: AU-ish. Fluff.
Disclaimer: The Potterverse is JKR's, not mine.
Summary: A mid-war meeting in a run-down cottage.

Link to the story in my LJ.

Challenge #57 - On the Train

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Original poster: gurliemoviegeek

Title: On the Train
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,130
Challenge: #57 (Photographs) I chose this photograph of train tracks upon which to base my story.
Warnings: None really.
A/N: AU and Fluffy! Unbeta'd, so please point out mistakes. Comments or critiques are always welcome!
Summary: Draco and Harry come to an agreement while on the Hogwarts Express.

On the Train )

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