
June 1st, 2007

Slythindor - Drabbles


June 1st, 2007

Didn't You Know?

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Original poster: gurliemoviegeek

Title: "Didn't You Know?"
Rating: R (For somewhat sexual situations)
Word Count: 2,354
Challenge: Special Challenge (5/30/07)
Warnings: None

Okay, so, "Hi there!" *waves*

This is my very first fic - ever. I'm totally new to the fandom world, and I've never written any fan fiction (except in my head!) before this, so any critiques or comments would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Didn't You Know? )

In her face

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Original poster: pepper202


Title: In Her Face
Rating: Nc-17
Wordcount: 2266
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al.
Further Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings,warnings and age of legal consent for your country of origin. 
Challenge: Written for Slythindor100's double entendre fun. I was given the prompt of “Why is he here” by

A/N: This fic was conceived as a result of a conversation between me and [info]rehsipus. We were actually discussing something that was happening in [info]slashpervert and [info]sayingsorry_hh's wonderful Bound Prince series. The conversation spawned a desire to have Harry and Draco interact with Harry's muggle family. It's kind of a weird fic. I'm not sure if it's crack-y or not. Tell me what you think.

Next week: I tag [info]blaithacs with a prompt of “ I need a smoke.”

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